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Become a Surrogate

Become a Surrogate

Do you love being pregnant?

Help Create a Family

One of the most heartfelt gifts a woman can give is carrying a child for someone who is unable to grow their family otherwise. If you have easy pregnancies and enjoy being pregnant, being a surrogate can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience. The compensation you receive could enable you to build your nest egg, save money for your children’s education, go back to school yourself, or simply indulge in something decadent.

Help Create a Family

You might be the missing piece in someone’s journey to parenthood.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a surrogate?
A gestational carrier is a woman who agrees to carry a child for another family. The child is unrelated to the carrier; the embryo is created from genetic material from the intended parents or donors. Usually the carrier becomes pregnant via in vitro fertilization (IVF)

Will I be compensated?
Yes. Your intended parents will cover all of the expenses associated with your surrogacy journey. You and your family will also receive compensation for your time and hard work. The range for compensation starts at $30,000.

What’s the process for becoming a surrogate?
First, you will fill out an application, including medical history and your preferences for matching with potential parents. Based on your preferences, we will present parent profiles. Once you choose a family to work with, you will undergo medical and psychological screening, and then enter in a legal contract with the family. It usually takes 2-6 months from the time you submit your application to embryo transfer.

journey to parenthood

Everyone on our staff is an experienced surrogate. We would love to share our stories with you and answer any questions you may have.