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184 Main Collins Street | West Victoria 8007

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PrimaVita Surrogacy is committed to making your surrogate journey as stress-free and enjoyable as possible. We believe transparency is essential.

We make sure the Intended Parents understand any potential costs that may arise and help them plan accordingly. We allow you and the parents to be excited about the new adventure you are embarking on and not worry about the financial aspect.

We offer a very generous compensation package to our surrogates because we know you are worth it! Every contract will be unique and these fees are only estimates but below is a good guide to what will be included.

Surrogate Mother Compensation & Reimbursement

Average Value

Other possible fees

Other possible fees

  • Pumping breast milk
    (Compensated per ounce or a flat fee on a weekly basis)
  • Invasive Procedure Fee $500
  • Termination/Selective Reduction Fee $1,500
  • C-Section Fee $5,000
  • Loss of/Damage to Organs Fee $2,500 per organ, $7,500 cap