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184 Main Collins Street | West Victoria 8007

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Q: How do I start looking for a carrier?

A: PrimaVita invites you to complete a matching profile and enter our database without any financial commitment. Once we have identified a potential match for you, we will contact you to see if you’re ready to proceed with our matching program.

Q: What is a gestational carrier?

A: A gestational carrier is a woman who agrees to carry a child for another family. The child is unrelated to the carrier; the embryo is created from genetic material from the intended parents or donors.

Q: How long does it typically take to be matched with a carrier?

A: The amount of time can vary based on individual needs and preferences of our clients. Most of our clients are matched within a few weeks, but it may be as short as several days or as long as several months. Our goal is always to help you find the perfect match, not just the first available match.

Q: Can the carrier decide to keep our baby?

A. No. You will obtain a court order prior to your baby’s birth that establishes you as the baby’s legal parents. The surrogate has no legal claim to your child, nor does she want one. The surrogates in our program have completed their families and their only goal is to see you grow yours!

Q: What happens if my surrogate changes her mind after we have matched?

A. Should your surrogate decide not to move forward with surrogacy before completing an embryo transfer., PrimaVita will re-match you with no additional agency fees.

Q: If I choose the Foundation Program, can I later switch to the Premiere Program?

A. Yes. You can decide to add on the additional agency support the Premiere Program provides at any point during your journey.

You probably still have questions and we’d love to talk more. Please give us a call or email.