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184 Main Collins Street | West Victoria 8007

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Why Texas

Why Texas


We know Texas surrogates.

  • Our staff at PrimaVita has been involved in the Texas surrogacy community for years.
  • We know the surrogates we work with personally and only work with a select group of women whom we fully trust to grow our client’s families.
  • Staying local means we will always maintain a strong, personal connection with our surrogates—we do not rely on printed forms and phone calls.

Texas is a medical leader.

  • Texas has an abundance of IVF facilities, with nearly 40 infertility clinics reporting statistics to the Society of Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART).
  • For intended parents working with out-of-state clinics, Texas clinics are happy to provide monitoring services. This minimizes your surrogate’s travel costs.
  • Texas has top performers in each of its major cities, ensuring a local treatment option for almost any patient. PrimaVita Surrogacy has experience working with dozens of infertility clinics.
medical leader
surrogacy laws

Texas has great surrogacy laws.

  • For married couples, Texas has an ideal surrogacy law. You will be your child’s legal parents from the moment of birth and you will be named on your child’s birth certificate.
  • For single parents, you will also be named directly on your child’s birth certificate. The other parent’s information will be marked as “unknown.”
  • Same sex married couples are treated equally under Texas law. Both parents will be named on the birth certificate.

We want you to look back on this journey fondly, remembering that it was full of trust, security, and love.