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What is a Surrogate?


Gestational vs Traditional

Did you know that there are two types of Surrogacy? They are referred to as Gestational Surrogacy and Traditional Surrogacy.


Gestational Surrogacy is the most common type of surrogacy practiced in the United States. It is when an embryo that has been created using the IF’s sperm (or sperm donor) and IM’s egg (or egg donor) is transferred via in vitro fertilization (IVF) into the surrogate’s uterus. The surrogate is not biologically related to the embryo.


Traditional Surrogacy is when the surrogate donates her eggs by conceiving via intrauterine insemination (IUI). She is the biological mother but gives her parental rights to the IPs.



There is a whole list of requirements in order to start the process of becoming a Surrogate. (click here to see the full list for PrimaVita Surrogacy) Some of the smaller details vary from one Reproductive Endocrinologist (RE) to another, but the majority of the list remains the same.


Of the requirements, one of the most important is that you must have given birth to and be raising at least one child. There are several other health related items, such as: being able to obtain clearance from an OB, uncomplicated pregnancies and deliveries, non-smoking, no tattoos or piercings within the past 12 months, and no history of mental illness. Along with maintaining health, you must have the support of your partner (they’re in this with you!) and not be receiving any government assistance.


If you qualify based on the list of requirements then you move on to the next step, interviewing and matching with potential intended parents.


All Heart

The women that bond through the experience of becoming surrogates are a very special group. There is so much heart behind each story leading these women to help grow other families. A common misconception is that surrogates must be heartless to “give up the baby” but that couldn’t be more wrong. Surrogates connect the IPs to the baby throughout the pregnancy and get to witness firsthand one of the most exciting and intimate moments in a person’s life, becoming a parent.

There are ups and downs and a whole lot of hurry up and wait, but looking forward to the beautiful goal as a team helps. The process of Surrogacy is often referred to as a “journey” for good reason.

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